典範大師套裝系列127伊瑟利斯RCA錄音全集 Steven Isserlis: The Complete RCA Recordings

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史提芬伊瑟利斯Steven Isserlis (大提琴) ★完整收錄英國大提琴家伊瑟利斯RCA時期錄音作品。 ★涵蓋海頓大提琴協奏曲、李察史特勞斯《唐吉軻德》、佛瑞大提琴奏鳴曲等經典作品。 ★使用一七四五年製造的瓜達尼尼(Guadagnini)名琴錄製而成,獨特呈現伊瑟利斯的揉音手法,值得愛樂者收藏聆聽。 英國大提琴家伊瑟利斯來自一個非常顯赫的音樂世家,他的祖父是俄國在二零年代極具代表性的鋼琴家朱利厄斯伊瑟利斯,因著他琴藝出色,所以被蘇聯當局挑選為音樂大使代表蘇聯出訪他國演出宣揚國威;因此他也藉機會帶著兒子,也就是伊瑟利斯的父親一起投奔自由,不再回返蘇聯,後來定居英國,養育了伊瑟利斯一家。伊瑟利斯全家皆是音樂家,兩個姐姐為弦樂家,從小就在音樂聲中長大。伊瑟利斯的演奏深受俄國大提琴名家丹尼爾夏夫蘭(Daniil Shafran)的影響,夏夫蘭的大提琴演奏非常不同於西方大提琴家,有一種獨特的粗獷和歌唱特質,這也讓伊瑟利斯的揉音、斷句還有節奏運用上和當代其他大提琴演奏家有著截然不同的風格。伊瑟利斯崛起樂壇的時期,正好是二十世紀末大提琴家輩出薈萃的年代,美國有馬友友(Yo Yo Ma)、英國的杜普蕾(Jacqueline du Pre)雖然患病卻餘音未遠、德國的席夫(Heinrich Schiff)、俄國的大師羅斯托波維奇(Mstislav Rostropovich)、法國的托泰里耶(Paul Tortelier)等人各據一方。這些人雄霸了傳統大提琴曲目,伊瑟利斯在各方夾擊下,既沒有顯赫的背景又沒有家學淵源,為求異軍突起,特意從罕見和現代曲目著手,練就他一番與眾不同的學習艱深現代曲目的身手,也讓他成為最早和古樂團合作的大提琴家。而他也為此向許多現代作曲家委託大提琴新作品,更因為和英國作曲家泰凡納(John Tavener)的《保護面紗》(The Protecting Veil)更是創下了罕見現代大提琴曲目登上暢銷排行榜的紀錄,這首曲子也因此大受現代樂迷喜愛,後來連馬友友也將之收錄專輯中再次詮釋。而伊瑟利斯在這之後更正式被當代樂壇納入大師之列,成為少數不靠演奏傳統大提琴曲目可以立足在大提琴名人堂的大師。在公元兩千年後,隨著許多大提琴前輩大師紛紛凋零,許多中生代名家邁入後中年後,錄音量漸減,伊瑟利斯卻後來居上,成為卓然屹立的二十一世紀最後大家,他也開始回歸傳統曲目,在五十歲以後一再推出巴哈無伴奏、貝多芬奏鳴曲等經典曲目,重塑他的大師風範。 這套錄音是伊瑟利斯早期於RCA的錄音作品,其中就包括了上述的泰凡納的作品,這12張CD含括了海頓大提琴協奏曲、李察史特勞斯《唐吉軻德》、佛瑞大提琴奏鳴曲、聖桑協奏曲等,這些錄音中他主要使用的是一把於一七四五年製造的瓜達尼尼(Guadagnini)製、價值數百萬美金的名琴,雖然身價比不上現在由日本音樂基金會特別借給他使用的德孟克(De Munck)史特拉第瓦里名琴,但琴音別具美感,特別適合他獨特的揉音手法,很值得愛樂者收藏聆聽。
CD1 Cello Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Hob.VIIb:1 1. Moderato 2. Adagio 3. Allegro molto Symphony No. 13 in D Major 4. II. Andante cantabile Cello Concerto No. 2 in D Major, Hob. VII b: 2 5. I. Allego moderato 6. II. Adagio 7. III. Allegro Sinfonia Concertante in B-Flat Major, Hob. I:105 8. I. Allegro 9. II. Andante 10. III. Allegro con spirito CD2 Variations concertantes, Op. 17 1. Theme - Andante con moto 2. Variation I 3. Variation II 4. Variation III - Più vivace 5. Variation IV - Allegro con fuoco 6. Variation V - L'istesso tempo 7. Variation VI - L'istesso tempo 8. Variation VII - Presto ed agitato 9. Variation VIII - Tempo I - Coda Cello Sonata No. 1, Op. 45 10. I. Allegro vivace 11. II. Andante 12. III. Allegro assai 13. Assai tranquillo in B Minor 14. Song Without Words for Cello and Piano in D Major, Op. 109 Cello Sonata No. 2, Op. 58 15. I. Allegro assai vivace 16. II. Allegretto scherzando 17. III. Adagio 18. IV. Molto allegro e vivace CD3 Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in A Minor, Op. 129 1. Nicht zu schnell 2. Langsam II 3. Sehr lebhaft 4. Cadenza - Revised Ending 5. Adagio for Cello and Orchestra in G Major, Op. 38 Fantasiestücke, Op. 73 6. I. Zart und mit Ausdruck 7. II. Lebhaft, leicht 8. III. Rasch und mit Feuer Adagio and Allegro for Piano and Cello in A-Flat Major, Op. 70 9. Langsam, mit innigem Ausdruck 10. Rasch und feurig Fünf Stücke im Volkston for Cello and Piano, Op. 102 11. I. Mit Humor 12. II. Langsam 13. III. Nicht schnell, mit viel Ton zu spielen 14. IV. Nicht zu rasch 15. V. Stark und markiert Mass in C Minor, Op. 147 16. Offertorium 17. Silent Track Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in A Minor, Op. 129 18. Cadenza - Original Ending CD4 1. Romance oubliée, S. 132 Sonata for Piano and Cello in A Minor, Op. 36 2. I. Allegro agitato 3. II. Andante molto tranquillo 4. II. Allegro 5. Elégie No. 1, S. 130b 6. Elégie No. 2, S. 131 Sonata for Piano and Cello No. 1 in D Major, Op. 18 7. I. Allegro moderato 8. II. Allegretto 9. III. Allegro molto 10. Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, S. 382 11. La lugubre gondola, S. 134 CD5 Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No. 1 in A Minor, Op. 33 1. Allegro non troppo 2. Allegretto con moto (-Cadenza) 3. Tempo I - Un peu moins vite - Molto allegro The Carnival of the Animals, R. 125 4. The Swan 5. Romance for Cello and Piano in D Major, Op. 51 6. Romance for Cello and Piano in F Major, Op. 36 Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 32 7. I. Allegro 8. II. Andante tranquillo sostenuto 9. III. Allegro moderato 10. Chant saphique, Op. 91 11. Gavotte, Op. posth. 12. Allegro appassionato, Op. 43 13. Prière, Op. 158 CD6 Concerto For Violoncello and Orchestra No. 2 in D Minor Op. 119 1. Allegro moderato e maestoso - Andante sostenuto 2. Allego non troppo - Cadenza - Très modéré - Tempo I - Molto allegro 3. La Muse et le Poète for Violin, Cello and Orchestra, Op. 132 4. Romance for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 67 Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 2 in F Major, Op. 123 5. I. Maestoso largamente 6. II. Scherzo con variazioni 7. III. Romanza - poco adagio 8. IV. Allegro non troppo, grazioso CD7 1. Romance for Cello and Piano in A Major, Op. 69 2. Elégie for Cello and Piano, No. 1 Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 109 3. I. Allegro 4. II. Andante 5. III. Final - Allegro comodo 6. Allegretto moderato for 2 Cellos 7. Sérénade for Piano and Cello, Op. 98 8. Sicilienne for Cello and Piano, Op. 78 9. Papillon for Cello and Piano, Op. 77 Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 117 10. I. Allegro 11. II. Andante 12. III. Allego vivo 13. Andante (original version of Romance, Op. 69) CD8 Don Quixote, Op. 35 1. Introduktion 2. Thema (Don Quixote) 3. Variation 1 4. Variation 2 5. Variation 3 6. Variation 4 7. Variation 5 8. Variation 6 9. Variation 7 10. Variation 8 11. Variation 9 12. Variation 10 13. Finale 14. Romanze for Cello and Orchestra, TrV 118 (Andante cantabile) Sonata for Violoncello and Piano, Op. 6 15. Allegro con brio 16. Andante ma non troppo 17. Finale. Allegro vivo CD9 Pohádka 1. Con moto 2. Con moto 3. Allegro Sonata No. 4 for Cello and Piano in D Minor, Op. 40 4. I. Allegro non troppo 5. II. Allegro 6. III. Largo 7. IV. Allegro Sonata for Cello and Piano in C Major, Op. 119 8. I. Andante grave 9. II. Moderato 10. III. Allegro ma non troppo Pohádka 11. I. Con moto 12. II. Presto 13. III. Adagio - Allegro CD10 1. Svyati "O Holy One" Eternal Memory for Solo Cello and Strings 2. With great peace and serenity 3. Dance-like and Slightly Grotesque, with an Illusion of Motion 4. With Great Peace and Serenity Akhmatova Songs for Soprano and Cello 5. I. Dante 6. II. Pushkin and Lermontov 7. III. Boris Pasternak 8. IV. Couplet 9. V. The Muse 10. VI. Death 11. The Hidden Treasure 12. Chant for Solo Cello CD11 1. Andante con Variazioni, WoO 44b 2. Violin Sonata No. 3: Intermezzo 3. Scherzo for Cello and Piano, L. 26 4. La Captive for Soprano, Cello and Piano, Op. 12 5. Morceau de concours for Flute and Piano 6. The Donkey and the Driver, Op. 61 Traditional Japanese Melodies 7. Mokko 8. Aki no Tsuki 9. Sakura Sakura 10. Song of the Black Swan, W122 11. Romantic Piece for Violin and Piano, Op. 75, No. 4 12. Piece for 2 Cellos, H. 377 13. Dance of the Elves, Op. 39 14. Souvenir russe 15. The Child Lived 16. Lied for Cello and Piano 17. Romance for Cello and Piano 18. Chonguri 19. Dance Suite 20. Inner World CD12 Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano in A Minor, Op. 114 1. Allegro 2. Adagio 3. Andante grazioso 4. Allegro Märchenerzählungen for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, Op. 132 5. I. Lebhaft, nicht zu schnell 6. II. Lebhaft und sehr markirt 7. III. Ruhiges Tempo, mit zartem Ausdruck 8. IV. Lebhaft, sehr markiert Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano in A Minor, Op. 40 9. I. Mäßig schnell 10. II. Anmutig bewegt 11. III. Andante 12. IV. Allegro vivace 13. Kinderszenen op. 15/7: Träumerei

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