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英國巴洛克作曲家菩賽爾手中一系列的【半歌劇】作品中,【仙后】一劇是其中篇幅最長、劇情最複雜,同時也是他在音樂上著墨最多的一份作品。【仙后】一劇 其實是改編自莎翁的【仲夏夜之夢】的情節,所以劇中的仙后指的就是精靈國的皇后,而此劇的劇本雖然是延用莎翁原作,但是菩賽爾卻將它裁成一段一段的假面 劇,讓莎翁原著的人物和他加進的歌手穿插出場演出。如果照菩賽爾原來的計劃,整齣【仙后】演下來要長達四個小時。現代的唱片錄音對待這份半歌劇的方式,則 是將莎翁對白的部份刪除,只保留菩賽爾的音樂部份。在音樂部份,這齣【仙后】中有菩賽爾所有戲劇作品中最動人的旋律和創造。很多感人、細膩的詠歎調,以及 管弦樂譜寫,是可以獨立於此劇之外、單獨存在的,也因此經常被歌唱家在音樂會中選唱。哈農庫特這份一九九五年的錄音,呈現的是他後期的古樂手法:折衷現代 和古樂演出的特色。歌唱家他採用傳統的歌劇歌唱家,但還是混進了假聲男高音,而樂團的樂器和演出風格雖然是古樂的手法,但還是考慮到近代歌劇演出的型式和 傳統。這份錄音中的兩位女高音邦妮和梅肯涅兒在九零年代都是當紅的女高音,有她們的領銜主演,讓整份錄音更增氣勢。■2010.02■
1. The Fairy Queen : Prelude to Act 1
2. The Fairy Queen : Air
3. The Fairy Queen : Overture to Act 1
4. The Fairy Queen : Act 1 〞Come, let us leave the town〞 〔Soprano, Bass〕
5. The Fairy Queen : Act 1 〞Scene of the Drunken Poet〞 〔First Fairy, Second Fairy, Drunken Poet, Chorus〕
6. The Fairy Queen : Act 1 First Act Tune - Jig
7. The Fairy Queen : Act 2 〞Come all ye songsters of the sky〞 〔Tenor〕
8. The Fairy Queen : Act 2 〞May the God of Wit inspire〞 〔Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Bass〕
9. The Fairy Queen : Act 2 〞Now join your warbling voices all〞 〔Chorus〕
10. The Fairy Queen : Act 2 〞Sing while we trip it〞 〔Chorus, Soprano〕
11. The Fairy Queen : Act 2 〞See, even Night herself is here〞 〔Night〕 〞I am come to lock all fast〞 〔Mystery〕
12. The Fairy Queen : Act 2 Second Act Tune - Air
13. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 〞If love’s a sweet passion〞 〔Dryad, Chorus〕
14. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 Symphony while the swans come forward
15. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 Dance for the Fairies
16. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 Dance for the Green Men
17. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 〞Ye gentle spirits of the air〞 〔Soprano〕
18. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 〞Now the maids and the men〞 〔Coridon, Mopsa〕 Dance for the Haymakers
19. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 〞When I have often heard〞 〔Nymph〕
20. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 〞A thousand, thousand ways〞 〔Chorus, Counter-Tenor〕
21. The Fairy Queen : Act 3 Third Act Tune - Hornpipe
1. The Fairy Queen : Act 4 Symphony
2. The Fairy Queen : Act 4 〞Now the night is chased away〞 〔Attendant, Chorus〕
3. The Fairy Queen : Act 4 〞Let the fifes and the clarions〞 〔Tenor, Counter-Tenor〕
4. The Fairy Queen : Act 4 〞When a cruel long winter〞 〔Phoebus〕
5. The Fairy Queen : Act 4 〞Hail! Great parent of us all〞 〔Chorus〕
6. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 〞Thrice happy lovers〞 〔Juno〕
7. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 〞O let me ever, ever weep〞 〔Soprano〕
8. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 〞Thus the gloomy world〞 〔Chinese Man〕 〞Thus happy and free〞 〔Chinese Woman, Chorus〕
9. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 Monkey’s Dance
10. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 〞Hark! How all things〞 〔First Woman〕 〞Hark! the echoing air〞 〔Second Woman, Chorus〕
11. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 〞Sure the dull God of Marriage〞 〔First Woman, Second Woman, Chorus〕 Prelude 〞See, I obey
12. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 Chaconne
13. The Fairy Queen : Act 5 〞They shall be as happy as they’re fair〞 〔First Woman, Second Woman, Hymen, Chorus〕
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