布烈頓︰彼得格林 Britten: Peter Grim

售價$ : 378
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自首演以來,此作品一直在歌劇迷心中享有極崇高的地位,而由主要演出者原班人馬所錄製的專集,便一直是樂迷們的最愛,其所獲致的榮耀更無與倫比。本集錄音多年來一直以高價版發行,為回饋樂迷此次特別轉以低價發行(兩片賣一片高價,但不附歌詞),對於樂迷絕對是最超值的選擇。母帶經96kHz 24—bit特別處理後,音效更加生動逼真。企鵝唱片評鑑— 立體聲錄音時代最偉大的成就之一。少有歌劇錄音能夠有如此具決定性的地位……布烈頓的指揮傑出,確保了樂團燦爛且敏銳的演奏。錄音具有絕佳的氣氛……DECCA錄音師實在神奇……。
CD 1: Britten: Peter Grimes 1 "Peter Grimes!" [1:29] 2 "You sailed your boat" [3:04] 3 "Peter Grimes, I here advise you!" [2:10] 4 "The truth...the pity..." [1:54] 5 Interlude I: On the beach [2:57] 6 "Oh, hang at open doors" [5:36] 7 "Hi! give us a hand" [3:19] 8 "I have to go from pub to pub" [1:58] 9 "Let her among you" [3:09] 10 "Look, the storm cone!" [2:41] 11 "And do you prefer the storm" [4:56] 12 "What harbour shelters peace" [1:12] 13 Interlude II: The Storm [4:08] 14 "Past time to close!" [4:20] 15 "We live and let live" [2:02] 16 "Have you heard?" [1:23] 17 "Now the Great Bear and Pleiades" [3:41] 18 "Old Joe has gone fishing" [2:27] 19 "The bridge is down, we half swam over" [1:37] 20 Interlude III: Sunday morning by the beach [2:26] 21 "Glitter of waves" [5:41] 22 "Let this be a holiday" [3:00] 23 "This unrelenting work" [4:41] 24 "Fool to let it come to this!" [2:16] 25 "What is it?" [1:04] 26 "People!...No! I will speak!" [2:06] CD 2: Britten: Peter Grimes 1 "We planned that their lives" [2:25] 2 "Swallow! Shall we go" [0:43] 3 "Now is gossip put on trial" [2:17] 4 "From the gutter" [4:30] 5 Interlude IV: Passacaglia [5:29] 6 "Go there!" [7:20] 7 "Now!...Now!" [2:07] 8 "Peter Grimes! Nobody here?" [3:01] 9 Interlude V: Evening [4:23] 10 "Assign your prettiness to me" [2:36] 11 "Pah!" [2:48] 12 "Come along, Doctor!" [3:20] 13 "Embroidery in childhood" [5:09] 14 "Mr.Swallow!" [2:00] 15 "Who holds himself apart" [3:45] 16 Interlude VI: Fog [2:37] 17 "Grimes! Grimes!" [4:55] 18 "Peter, we've come to take you home" [2:28] 19 "To those who pass the Borough" [4:51]

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