First Collection: Hydeout Productions

售價$ : 1,280
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地道なアナログ・リリースでリスナーとの信頼関係を築いてきた”hydeout productions”の、レコードのみでしか聴けなかった楽曲と新曲で構成されたコレクションCD。Shing02の「Luv(sic.)pt1」、そして「Luv(sic.)pt2」、FunkyDLの「Don't Even Try It」など小さなスタジオから多くの人の心に届いたスペシャルなサウンド。nujabesの活動の原点といえる部分を収録した作品。

A collection CD of “hydeout productions” that has built a relationship of trust with listeners through steady analog releases, composed of songs that could only be heard on vinyls and new songs.Special sounds from many small studios such as Shing02's “Luv (sic.) Pt1”, “Luv (sic.) Pt2” and FunkyDL's “Don't Even Try It”. This work contains the part that can be said to be the origin of nujabes activities.
A1. Nujabes - Moon Strut (Intro)
A2. Funky DL - Don't Even Try It
A3. Apani B-Fly Emcee - Strive
A4. Substantial - Home Sweet Home
B1. Nujabes - Still Talking To You
B2. Shing02 - Luv(sic)
B3. Nujabes - Steadfast
B4. Substantial & L-Universe - Lyrical Terrorists
C1. L-Universe - Lose My Religion -Remix-
C2. Pase Rock - It's About Time -Fat Jon Remix-
C3. Five Deez - Plazma Avenue -Remix-
D1. Cise Starr - D.T.F.N.
D2. Funky DL - People Don't Stray
D3. Shing02 - Luv(sic) Pt2

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