小約翰史特勞斯 : 三幕歌劇 (騎士帕斯曼) Johann Strauss II : Ritter Pasman

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小約翰.史特勞斯:三幕歌劇(騎士帕斯曼) 海因茲.華柏格 指揮 維也納廣播交響樂團 When the court opera director Wilhelm Jahn commissioned Johann Strauss Jr to write a 'genuine' opera, the Waltz King readily accepted. The result was Ritter Pasman, his only stage work to step into the more exclusive genre of opera, even though the plot is reminiscent of the world of operetta. Based on the narrative poem Pazman lovag by the Hungarian writer Janos Aranyi (1817–1882), it deals with jealousy and reciprocity. The comic opera's premiere at the Vienna Court Opera on New Year's Day 1892 was a major society event, but its artistic success lagged somewhat behind; the reviewers of the premiere gave it a cool reception, even though they hailed the ballet music at the beginning of Act III as an absolute masterpiece. (It's worth noting that this was the first time a cimbalom had been used in the court opera orchestra). This is a live recording of a performance at the Vienna Musikverein on 27 October 1975, with the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra directed by Heinz Wallberg. The cast of singers includes Eberhard Waechter (Ritter Pasman), Sona Ghazarian (Queen), Josef Hopfwieser (Hungarian King) and Truedeliese Schmidt (Eva). The recording includes the complete ballet music as bonus tracks, performed by the Slovac State Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Alfred Walter.
CD1 65:03 Erster Akt / Act One 1 Vorspiel / Prelude 2:52 2 "Die Manner gehen fort vom Haus" (Chor der Spinnerinnen) 0:57 3 "Gundy, was gahnst Du?" (Eva) 2:10 Duett / Duet 4 "Auf Feldern, in den Waldern" (Eva und Gundy) 2:13 5 "Der Ritter Pasman schickte mich" (Mischu) 1:48 Duett / Duet 6 "Mischu, lass horen" (Gundy und Mischu) 2:40 Szene / Scene 7 "Ich bin ein Ungar und Edelmann" (Pasman, Gundy, Konig, Mischu) 4:22 Rezitativ & Arie / Recitative & Aria 8 "Fort von Napel''s gold''ner Zone" (Konig) 1:22 Duett / Duet 9 "Ich sollte mich schamen" (Eva und Konig) 5:35 10 "Verzeih'', Du himmlich reines Wesen" (Eva und Konig) 3:20 11 "Hoi Hoh" (Chor der Jager) 1:48 Szene / Scene 12 "Gruss'' Gott, Frau Eva!" (Pasman, Gundy, Mischu, Konig) 2:39 13 "Ich will den Adel an'' Nagel hangen" 4:09 (Rodomonte, Omode, Konig, Gundy, Eva, Pasman) 14 "Ein Ring, ein Ring (Mannerchor, Konig, Eva, Pasman, Omode) 2:46 15 "Der Wein, der Wein" (Trinklied ) (Chor, Konig, Pasman, Omode) 4:36 16 "Herbei zur Fischerei" (Chor der Fischer, Gundy, Rodomonte, Konig) 3:04 Zweiter Akt / Act Two Szene / Scene 17 "Sie hort nicht"(Konig und Eva) 4:38 18 "Was hab ich getan" (Eva und Konig) 3:26 19 "Ich trage Schuld" (Eva und Konig) 2:26 20 "Nie verrate" (Konig und Eva) 5:14 21 "O gold''ne Frucht" (Eva) 2:49 CD2 68:08 Szene / Scene 1 "Brr! Warum ist mir so kalt" (Pasman, Mischu) 2:16 Ensemble & Marsch / Ensemble & March 2 "Nur leise, zur heimlichen Reise" (Konig, Mannerchor, Mischu, Omode) 3:06 Ensemble / Ensemble 3 "Der Larm ist vorbei" (Gundy, Rodomonte, Pasman, Mischu, Eva, Chor) 4:29 Arie / Aria 4 "Mir war so wohl" (Pasman) 4:37 Finale / Final 5 "Auf''s Pferd ich reit" (Eva, Pasman, Rodomonte, Gundy, Mischu, Chor) 2:01 Dritter Akt / Act Three 6 Einleitung / Introduction 2:27 7 "Heil uns''rer Konigin" (Chor) 2:23 8 "Euch schlagt mein ganzes Herz entgegen" 4:20 (Konigin, Omonde, Konig, Chor) 9 Ballett / Ballet 4:20 Szene & Ensemble / Scene & Ensemble 10 "Rodomonte, der Narr ist da" 5:24 (Chor, Konig, Rodomonte, Konigin, Pasman, Gundy, Mischu, Eva, Chor) Finale / Final 11 "So sag'', was hast Du vom Kuss geseh''n" (Rodomonte, Mischu, Pasman, Konigin, Chor) 2:07 12 Ha! Eva hier!" (Pasman, Eva, Chor) 1:46 13 "Nun sag mir endlich seinen Namen" 4:18 (Rodomonte, Pasman, Konigin, Omonde, Eva, Konig, Pagen, Chor) 14 "Verzeih'', holde Konigin" 5:16 (Konig, Pasman, Eva, Gundy, Mischu, Omode, Rodomonte, Konigin, Chor) BONUS-TRACKS Complete Ballet Music 15 No. 1: Polka 5:02 16 No. 2: Andante grazioso – Walzer / Waltz 9:01 17 No. 3: Czardas 5:15 Slovac State Philharmonic Orchestra Alfred Walter, Dirigent / conductor with kind permission of Marco Polo / HNH International Limited

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