我說好 Je Dis Oui!

售價$ : 1,180
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大家期待已久的Pink Martini就在成軍滿20年之際,他們重新回到發源地波特蘭推出了這張代表走過兩個年代的第十號專輯「Je dis oui!我說好!」 除了他們自己招牌女主唱China Forbes之外,還邀請到另外四位風格各異的男女主唱獻聲。1961年被The Marcels唱紅的經典老歌"Blue Moon"特別的以輕爵士風格重新詮釋得令人陶醉;"Segundo"則是首他們非常擅長的拉丁Cha Cha Cha演奏曲;"Joli Garcon"則是首有著熱鬧巴西風格的曲子,由王牌主唱China Forbes以法語唱出了傳統招牌華麗夜總會的氣氛;"Finnisma Di"則是有著優美的義大利古典鋼琴旋律歌曲;改編自葡萄牙經典法朵歌曲的"Solidão"則換上了新的華麗外衣更加精采;另外有著中東色彩的"Askim bahardi"、重新翻唱由南非國寶歌后唱紅的"Pata Pata",都讓人宛如參加了一場世界夜總會歌舞派對般的熱鬧暢快。 A rollicking around-the-world adventure, Je dis oui! features a cavalcade of songs – many of them original – in French, Farsi, Armenian, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish, Xhosa and English, and affirms the band's 22-year history of global inclusivity and collaborative spirit. Je dis oui! – which means "I say yes" in French – is the optimistic mantra of the chorus of "Joli garçon" ("Pretty boy"), one of three songs co-written by the band for the soon-to-be-released film Souvenir, starring the legendary French actress Isabelle Huppert. In addition to songs sung by lead singers CHINA FORBES and STORM LARGE, Je dis oui! includes guest vocalists NPR's ARI SHAPIRO (who sings a new Arabic version of "La Soledad" from the band's first album) and RUFUS WAINWRIGHT, who sings a stunning version of the Rodgers & Hart classic "Blue Moon." The album also marks the singing debut of two long-time friends of the band: IKRAM GOLDMAN and KATHLEEN SAADAT.
Disc 1 A1. Joli Garçon 3:18 A2. The Butterfly Song 2:47 A3. Kaj Kolah Khan 3:11 A4. Ov Sirun Sirun 3:03 B1. Love For Sale 4:03 B2. Solidão 2:31 B3. Al Bint Al Shalabiya 3:15 B4. Souvenir 2:44 Disc 2 C1. .Askim Baharda 3:12 C2. Finnisma Di 5:41 C3. Segundo 4:10 D1. Blue Moon 4:57 D2. Fini La Musique 2:45 D3. Pata Pata 4:00 D4. Serenade 1:59

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