下女的誘惑 電影原聲帶 The Handmaiden Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

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★ 韓國知名導演朴贊郁與韓國配樂名家 Cho Young Wook 再次攜手合作 ★ 韓國原裝進口,黑膠唱片委請德國 Pallas GmbH 壓製 180g 高品質黑膠唱片
LP 1 Side A 1. The Tree from Mount Fuji 2. Old Scars and Fresh Pink Wounds 3. The Duchess Juliette 4. My Name is Nam Sookee 5. A Western-style Wing Designed by an English Architect 6. So This was the Scent (dialogue track) 7. You are My Baby Miss 8. Each Night in Bed I Think of Her Assets 9. She’s Beautiful, Quite the Charmer 10. Spellbindingly Beautiful 11. Rope and Mustache 12. It was Wrong to Come Here Side B 1. Bounds of Knowledge 2. Losing Her Heart to a Fake 3. Ladies are the Dolls of Maids (dialogue track) 4. The Sweet Things Within 5. Feels Just Fine 6. Wedding 7. Shall We Play Maid? 8. A Week Here... Then Finally! 9. Wish I had Never Been Born 10. Let Me Tell You About Our Miss Hideko LP 2 Side A 1. I was Going a Bit Crazy Back Then 2. What’s with Her? 3. Don’t You Ever Think of Run-ning 4. She’s Totally Illiterate 5. You Must Be a Natural 6. Segimalui Norae (The Song at the End of the Century) 7. Thousand Woes Under the Blue Sky 8. The Saviour Who Came to Tear My Life Apart (dialogue track) 9. My Tamako, My Sookee Side B 1. Fire! 2. Three White Cigarettes 3. The Greatest Pleasure 4. Five Books That I Used to Cherish 5. Four Small Silver Balls (dialogue track) 6. Sea of Bells 7. Imi Oneun Sori (The Footsteps of My Dear Love)

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