克倫培勒最後音樂會與紀錄片「漫長旅程」 Otto Klemperer`s Long Journey Through His Times & Klemperer The Last Concert

售價$ : 3,280
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類型:紀錄片 畫面格式: NTSC 16:9 (漫長旅程) / 4:3 (最後音樂會、花絮) 聲音格式: PCM Stereo (DVD) / Mono, digitally remastered (LP) 字幕::德、法、日、韓 區碼:全區 演出時間:2小時54分鐘(紀錄片)+35分鐘(花絮)+88分鐘(LP)
LP 1&2 克倫培勒最後音樂會(完整錄音、重新數位處理) 貝多芬:《斯蒂芬王》序曲 貝多芬:第四號鋼琴協奏曲,安迪(Daniel Adni)/鋼琴 布拉姆斯:第三號交響曲 克倫培勒(指揮)新愛樂管弦樂團 1971年9月26日英國倫敦 皇家節慶廳現場 DVD 1: 紀錄片「漫長旅程」(OTTO KLEMPERER’S LONG JOURNEY THROUGH HIS TIMES) A Film by Philo Bregstein “The thematic of ‘Otto Klemperer’s Long Journey through his times’ is more than the portrait of a great conductor. The fi lm evokes the musical, cultural and political history of the twentieth century through an exceptional musician, who lived at the center of the events.” Philo Bregstein DVD 2: 紀錄片「最後音樂會」(KLEMPERER THE LAST CONCERT) A Film by Philo Bregstein “My idea was to use the unique opportunity to fi lm Klemperer during the three rehearsals and the ensuing concert, not so much to convey a number of musical impressions, but more to create a historical musical document that sought to reveal the core of Klemperer’s art of conducting.” Philo Bregstein Bonus: - Filmed Interviews with Pierre Boulez and Ernst Bloch, 1972 - Film fragments of Rehearsals for the concert, 26 September 1971

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