真實之旅現場實況 A Reality Tour (Live)

售價$ : 2,358
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★永遠的樂壇傳奇 大膽前衛的搖滾變色龍2003年於愛爾蘭都柏林之令人嘆為觀之現場實況 三黑膠進口典藏套裝 ★演唱”Heros”, "Rebel Rebel" , “The Man Who Sold the World", “China Girl”, “Ziggy Stardust"等多首經典歌曲 ★傳奇音樂大師實況風采值得珍藏
    SIDE 1 LP Side A 1. Rebel, Rebel (Live) 2. New Killer Star (Live) 3. Reality (Live) 4. Fame (Live) 5. Cactus (Live) 6. Sister Midnight (Live) Side B 7. Afraid (Live) 8. All the Young Dudes (Live) 9. Be My Wife (Live) 10. The Loneliest Guy (Live) 11. The Man Who Sold the World (Live) 12. Sunday (Live)     SIDE 2 LP Side A 1. Fantastic Voyage (Live) 2. Hallo Spaceboy (Live) 3. Under Pressure (Live) 4. Life On Mars (Live) 5. Battle for Britain (The Letter) (Live) Side B 6. Never Get Old (Live) 7. Ashes to Ashes (Live) 8. The Motel (Live) 9. Loving the Alien (Live) 10. Changes (Live) 11. I`m Afraid of Americans (Live)     SIDE 3 LP Side A 1. Heroes (Live) 2. Bring Me the Disco King (Live) 3. Slip Away (Live) 4. Heathen (The Rays) (Live) Side B 5. Five Years (Live) 6. Hang On to Yourself (Live) 7. Ziggy Stardust (Live) 8. Fall Dogs Bomb the Moon (Live) 9. Breaking Glass (Live) 10. China Girl (Live)

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