衝出高牆LIVE專輯 Roger Waters The Wall

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★傳奇前衛搖滾樂團Pink Floyd前主唱&貝斯手 2010-2013年間世界巡迴演唱會實況專輯,3黑膠108克豪華版,全球超過450萬人一同感受搖滾傳奇無限魅力 ★內附16頁精美彩色照片輯,收錄” Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2”, “Comfortably Numb”, “Mother”等經典名曲 ★曾與保羅麥卡尼、U2、電台司令合作之天王製作人Nigel Godrich 操刀&多名傳奇樂手一同演出,闡述戰爭與失去的一場最偉大搖滾篇章
    SIDE 1 LP 1. Side A In the Flesh? (Live) 2. The Thin Ice (Live) 3. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 1 (Live) 4. The Happiest Days of Our Lives (Live) 5. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 (Live) 6. The Ballad of Jean Charles de Menezes (Live) 7. Side B Mother (Live) 8. Goodbye Blue Sky (Live) 9. Empty Spaces (Live) 10. What Shall We Do Now? (Live)     SIDE 2 LP 1. Side A Young Lust (Live) 2. One of My Turns (Live) 3. Don`t Leave Me Now (Live) 4. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 3 (Live) 5. Last Few Bricks (Live) 6. Goodbye Cruel World (Live) 7. Side B Hey You (Live) 8. Is There Anybody Out There? (Live) 9. Nobody Home (Live) 10. Vera (Live) 11. Bring the Boys Back Home (Live)     SIDE 3 LP 1. Side A Comfortably Numb (Live) 2. The Show Must Go On (Live) 3. In the Flesh (Live) 4. Run Like Hell (Live) 5. Side B Waiting for the Worms (Live) 6. Stop (Live) 7. The Trial (Live) 8. Outside the Wall (Live)

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