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- 專輯曲目
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莫札特品 K.239《夜晚的小夜曲》與作品 K.286 的小夜曲,擁有「空間性」的獨特效果,聽來特別能展現出管弦樂團精緻的魅力;義大利風味的歌劇「魯喬西拉」序曲,以及在當時算是極為特殊的「埃及王湯瑪士」間奏曲,都展現了這位音樂神童多樣化的才華。
The Overture to Lucio Silla is from an opera which tells the story of the bloody political dispute of the Roman general Lucio Silla. This highly developed work deviated from the norms of compositions, and this was perhaps the reason why it was not as popular in Milan as Mozart’s other works with the result that he receoved no more commissions from Italian opera houses.
The music written for the historical drama Thamos, König von Ägypten was unique for Mozart, although this kind of music was not unusual for its day. The so-called entr’actes served to fill the time between scenes or acts.
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