美國歌劇之光 Made in America

售價$ : 638
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BEVERLY SILLS Made in America DVD-VIDEO NTSC 073 429-9 |G|H| STEREO: PCM / SURROUND: Dolby Digital 5.1 & DTS 5.1 Picture Format: 4:3 Subtitles: English/German/French/Spanish/Chinese Jules Massenet (1842 - 1912) Manon Track 1 Obeissons,quand leur voix appelle,aux tendres amours [9:20] Luigi Arditi (1822 - 1903) Track 2 Il Bacio [7:25] Sigmund Romberg (1887 - 1951), Dorothy Fields (1905 - 1974) Track 3 Close As Pages In A Book [9:50] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Die Zauberflote, K.620 sung in English Act 2 Track 4 The vengeance of hell seethes in my heart [7:24] George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759) Giulio Cesare Act 3 Track 5 Da tempeste il legno infranto [10:29] Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949) Ariadne auf Naxos, Op.60 Opera Track 6 "Grosmachtige Prinzessin" [5:43] Gioacchino Rossini (1792 - 1868) Il barbiere di Siviglia Act 1 Track 7 Una voce poco fa [11:50] Track 8 Sills and Burnett at the Met [6:42] Nathaniel Vincent, Fred Howard Track 9 When the bloom is on the sage [4:30] Franz Lehar (1870 - 1948) The Merry Widow (Die lustige Witwe) Act 1 Track 10 No. 3 Entree-Lied und Ensemble - Dialog: "Was hat das zu bedeuten?" - "Bitte meine Herr’n" - "Hab’ in Paris mich noch nicht ganz so akklimasiert" [19:10] Beverly Sills 發行:Deutsche Grammophon 類別:DVD 普級 片長:112 mins. / 螢幕比例:4:3 字幕:英 影音格式:PCM

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