韓德爾:歌劇「赫丘力士」 Handel - Hercules, Musical Drama in Three Acts HWV 60

售價$ : 1,128
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作曲家:韓德爾 指揮:明考夫斯基 演出者:范歐塔,David Daniels 樂團:羅浮音樂家合奏團
CD1 01. OuvertRSTER AKT) 02. Menuetto(ERSTER AKT) 03. See with what sad dejection(ERSTER AKT) 04. No longer, Fate, relentless frown(ERSTER AKT) 05. O Hercules!why art thou absent from me?(ERSTER AKT) 06. The world, when day's career is run(ERSTER AKT) 07. Princess!be comforted, and hope the best(ERSTER AKT) 08. I feel, I feel the god(ERSTER AKT) 09. He said, the sacred fury left his breast(ERSTER AKT) 10. There in myrtle shades reclined(ERSTER AKT) 11. Despair not; but let rising hope suspend(ERSTER AKT) 12. Where congealed the northern streams(ERSTER AKT) 13. O filial piety!O generous love!(ERSTER AKT) 14. Banish your fears(ERSTER AKT) 15. Begone, my fears, fly, hence, away(ERSTER AKT) 16. A train of captives, red with honest wounds(ERSTER AKT) 17. Banish your fears(ERSTER AKT) 18. Let none despair, relief may come though late(ERSTER AKT) 19. March(ERSTER AKT) 20. Thanks to the powers above(ERSTER AKT) 21. My father!Ah!methinks I see(ERSTER AKT) 22. Now farewell, arms!(ERSTER AKT) 23. The god of battle quits the bloody field(ERSTER AKT) 24. Ah me!How soon the flatterer hope(ERSTER AKT) 25. Daughter of gods, bright liberty!(ERSTER AKT) 26. Crow with festal pomp the day(ERSTER AKT) CD2 01. Sinfonia(ZWEITER AKT) 02. Why was I born a princess(ZWEITER AKT) 03. How blest the maid ordained to dwell(ZWEITER AKT) 04. It must be so!fame speaks aloud my wrongs(ZWEITER AKT) 05. When beauty sorrow's liv'ry wears(ZWEITER AKT) 06. Whence this unjust suspicion?(ZWEITER AKT) 07. Ah!think what ills the jealous prove(ZWEITER AKT) 08. It is too sure that Hercules is false(ZWEITER AKT) 09. In vain you strive his falsehood to disguise!(ZWEITER AKT) 10. Jealousy!Infernal pest(ZWEITER AKT) 11. She knows my pasion, and has heard me breathe(ZWEITER AKT) 12. Banish love from thy breast(ZWEITER AKT) 13. Forgive a passion, which resistless sways(ZWEITER AKT) 14. From celestial seats descending(ZWEITER AKT) 15. Wanton god of amorous fires(ZWEITER AKT) 16. Yes, I congratulate your titles(ZWEITER AKT) 17. Alcides' name in latest story(ZWEITER AKT) 18. O glorious pattern of heroic deeds!(ZWEITER AKT) 19. Resign thy club and lion's spoils(ZWEITER AKT) 20. You are deceived!Some villain has belied(ZWEITER AKT) 21. Cease, ruler of the day, to rise(ZWEITER AKT) 22. Some kinder power inspire me to regain(ZWEITER AKT) 23. As stars, that rise and disappear(ZWEITER AKT) 24. But see, the princess Iole. Retire!(ZWEITER AKT) 25. Joys of freedom, joys of power(ZWEITER AKT) 26. Father of Hercules, great Jove(ZWEITER AKT) 27. Love and Hymen, hand in hand(ZWEITER AKT) CD3 01. Sinfonia(DRITTER AKT) 02. Ye sons of Trachin, mourn your valiant chief(DRITTER AKT) 03. O scene of unexampled woe(DRITTER AKT) 04. Tyrants now no more shall dread(DRITTER AKT) 05. O Jove!what land is this, what clime accurst(DRITTER AKT) 06. Great Jove!relieve his pains!(DRITTER AKT) 07. Let not fame the tidings spread(DRITTER AKT) 08. Where shall I fly?Where hide this guilty head?(DRITTER AKT) 09. Lo!the fair fatal cause of all this ruin!(DRITTER AKT) 10. My breast with tender pity swells(DRITTER AKT) 11. Princess, rejoice!whose heaven-directed hand(DRITTER AKT) 12. He, who for Atlas prop'd the sky(DRITTER AKT) 13. Words are too faint to speak the warring passions(DRITTER AKT) 14. O prince, whose virtues all admire(DRITTER AKT) 15. Ye sons of freedom, now, in ev'ry clime(DRITTER AKT) 16. To him your grateful notes of praise belong(DRITTER AKT)

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