Yes! Deluxe Edition (Yellow Vinyl)

售價$ : 1,580
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Love is a funny thing. Whenever I give it, it comes back to me. This is the opening lyric from YES!, an album I co-wrote with Chaska Potter, Mai Bloomfield, Becky Gebhardt, and Mona Tavakoli (Raining Jane), produced by Mike Mogis & me. Released in 2014, this album of cosmic acoustic love songs has been around the world and come back again, inspiring the recent radical ride. And to celebrate 10 years of YES!, a special Deluxe Edition will be available on October 25 on limited edition 2-LP Gold Vinyl and digital formats. You can pre-order or pre-save it today.

This expanded 10th anniversary release features brand new cover art (honoring the collaboration of friends who continue to create a mystical, magical kind of music) and five previously unreleased live tracks recorded at The Mranch (including Love Someone, out now wherever you stream or download music). You can pre-order the Gold Vinyl, which also includes an exclusive poster, today at the Online Store.

It’s love that brings us back. And to our many listeners around the world who sing along, echoing our sentiments back to us, there’s no greater feeling – and I thank you with every unfolding of my spiraling heart.
1. Rise
2. Love Someone
3. Hello, You Beautiful Thing
4. Long Drive
5. Everywhere
6. Best Friend
7. Quiet
8. Out of My Hands
9. It S So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday
10. 3 Things

1. You Can Rely On Me
2. Back To the Earth
3. A World With You
4. Shine
5. Love Someone (Live From the Mranch)
6. Hello, You Beautiful Thing (Live From the Mranch)
7. Long Drive (Live From the Mranch)
8. Back To the Earth (Live From the Mranch)
9. A World With You (Live From the Mranch)

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