魔戒電影三部曲 Lord of the Rings

售價$ : 2,280
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Are you nostalgic for Middle-earth and want to find yourself in Gollum's shoes? Then look no further! Enter the world of Frodo with this Lord of the Rings vinyl. Critically acclaimed, and with billions of dollars in profits, The Lord of the Rings remains a classic and a great success, whether in terms of visuals (sets, costumes, special effects, etc.) or music. That's why we decided to create this exclusive vinyl! This 19-track limited-edition “relic”, featuring new recordings by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, brings together the essence of the legendary trilogy for your listening pleasure.
1. The Fellowship (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
2. The Prophecy (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
3. Concerning Hobbits (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
4. The Shadow of the Past / A Knife in the Dark (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
5. The Bridge of Khazad Dum (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
6. May It Be (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
7. The Riders of Rohan (from The Two Towers)
8. Evenstar (from The Two Towers)
9. Forth Eorlingas / Isengard Unleashed (from The Two Towers)
10. Gollum's Song (from the Two Towers)
11. Hope and Memory / Minas Tirith (from The Return of the King)
12. The White Tree (The Return of the King)
13. Twilight and Shadow (from The Return of the King)
14. The Fields of Pelennor (from The Return of the King)
15. The Return of the King (from The Return of the King)
16. Into the West (from The Return of the King)
17. Gollum's Song (from The Two Towers)
18. May It Be (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
19. Into the West (from The Return of the King)

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