薩爾達傳說 電玩配樂選輯 Music From the Legend of Zelda

售價$ : 2,180
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  • 專輯曲目
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LP 1
1. Main Theme - the Legend of Zelda
2. Zelda Ii : the Adventure of Link (Palace Theme) - the Legend of Zelda Ii
3. Dark World - a Link To the Past
4. Ballad of the Windfish - Link's Awakening
5. Song of Storms - Ocarina of Time
6. Zelda's Lullaby - Ocarina of Time

1. Song of Healing - Majora's Mask
2. Palace of Winds - Four Swords Adventures
3. Title Theme - the Wind Waker
4. Minish Village - the Minish Cap
5. Ilia's Theme - Twilight Princess
6. Linebeck's Theme - Phantom Hourglass

1. Realm Overworld - Spirit Tracks
2. Skyloft - Skyward Sword
3. Lorule Castle - a Link Between Worlds
4. Woodlands - Tri Force Heroes
5. Theme - Breath of the Wild
6. Main Theme - Tears of the Kingdom

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