新世紀福音戰士新劇場版:終 原聲帶 Music From Shin Evangelion Evangelion: 3.0+1.0

售價$ : 1,980
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Relive the emotions of the final movie in the "Rebuild of Evangelion" series with Shiro SAGISU's Music from "SHIN EVANGELION" EVANGELION: 3.0+1.0 vinyl! Reconnect to your favorite EVAs in their final battle with this one-of-a-kind vinyl release.
Side 1
1. Paris
2. If a Cause Is Worth Dying for Then Be
3. Euro Nerv
4. Tema Principale: Orchestra Dedicata Ai Maestri
5. Berceuse: Piano
6. L'homme N'est Ni Ange Ni Bete

Side 2
1. Prettiest Star
2. Karma
3. Yearning for Your Love
4. Hand of Fate
5. Lost in the Memory

Side 3
1. Berceuse: Piano Dans L'orchestre a Cordes
2. Metamorphosis
3. Paranoia
4. Mirror Mirror: Orchestra and Choir
5. This Is the Dream, Beyond Belief
6. Theme Du Concerto 494

Side 4
1. Psycho
2. Killer
3. I'll Go on Loving Someone Else =Version Orchestre=
4. Pillars of Faith
5. Voices in My Head
6. What If?: Orchestra, Choir and Piano

Side 5
1. The Path
2. Pensees Intimes: Piano Dans L'orchestre a Cordes
3. The Way of Life
4. Pensees Intimes: Piano
5. Unwelcome: Orchestra

Side 6
1. Unwelcome: Piano
2. M ; R: Suite Pour Piano, Flute Basse Et Orchestre
3. What If?: Guitar
4. Tema Principale: Tromba E Orchestra
5. Tema Principale: Chitarra
6. Soul Love: Guitar to Orchestra Segue

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