開始期待 Begin To Hope

售價$ : 1,080
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Third album from the intelligent, eccentric singer-songwriter is her first recorded under major-label contract.

It's no secret that Regina Spektor has some quirks. As a songwriter and performer, she hoards eccentricities like the Collyer brothers (Google it). She hiccups and yawps, breaks syllables against their grain, beatboxes unself-consciously, belts like Ethel Merman, recites like Patti Smith, coos like Tori Amos, shrieks like a Kate Bush for the McSweeney’s set. And her songwriting, in addition to occasionally folding in snippets of “Hava Nagila”, makes frequent, often humorous use of pop culture references, anachronisms, dream imagery, even made-up words. And yet, these eccentricities allow unfriendly listeners to keep Spektor at a distance, dismissing her feminine presence as cutesily affected while indulging the endless costume changes of Gnarls Barkley and the sniping whine of Conor Oberst.
4.On the Radio
5.Field Below
6.Hotel Song
7.Apres Moi
8.20 Years of Snow
9.That Time
12.Summer in the City

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