• 彩膠

Coexist (10th Anniversary)

售價$ : 1,080
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  • 專輯曲目
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Coexist surpassed expectations to become the best-selling vinyl record of 2012. Meanwhile, the band progressed from playing intimate venues to becoming an international must-see live act, curating their own festivals and collaborating with symphony orchestras. A final ambitious run of 25 shows at New York’s legendary Armory venue rounded off the album campaign, witnessed by fellow artists (such as Beyonce, Jay-Z and Madonna) and fans alike.

To celebrate 10 years of Coexist, The xx release a limited edition, crystal clear vinyl pressing of the record.
A1 Angels
A2 Chained
A3 Fiction
A4 Try
A5 Reunion
A6 Sunset

B1 Missing
B2 Tides
B3 Unfold
B4 Swept Away
B5 Our Song

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