歌劇詠嘆調集 Opera Arias

售價$ : 408
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低男中音 喬治.倫敦 演唱 歌劇詠嘆調集
魯道夫.莫拉特 / 赫曼·威格特 / 理查.克勞斯 指揮

Re-release of sold-out C502001
Among those singers who, in the mid-20th century, stepped onto the opera stages of the world and into the shoes of the legendary generation of singers of the 30s and 40s, bass-baritone George London was an exception. His voice, with its inimitable and balanced timbre in all registers, was virtually peerless. London was a true bass-baritone whose voice, even in the extreme reaches, could maintain its dark tone thanks to a sensitive style and articulation and a wide-ranging expressive ability.

His international career was brought to an abrupt and premature end in the 1960s. During an operation, one of his vocal cords was damaged and his voice never regained its force and beauty. While in Munich during a tour of Europe, London suffered a stroke from which he never fully recovered. He died in New York in 1985. This album of recordings from the Bavarian broadcast archive features the legendary bass-baritone at the height of his career in the 1950s
George London
Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880)
Hoffmanns Erzahlungen / The Tales of Hoffmann
1 Scintille diamant
Arie des Dapertutto / Dapertutto’s Aria
Dirigent / Conductor: Richard Kraus
(5. Juli 1954)

2 Antonia – Leise tont meiner Stimme Klang
Terzett: Antonia – Stimme der Mutter – Dr. Mirakel
Teresa Stich-Randall – Maria von Ilosvay
Dirigent / Conductor: Rudolf Moralt
(14. Dezember 1956)

Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski (1840-1893)
Eugen Onegin
3 Sie schrieben mir
Szene und Arie des Eugen Onegin (1. Akt) /
Eugen Onegin’s Scene and Aria (Act 1)

4 Onegin, bitte stehen Sie auf
Finale des 4. Akts / Finale Act 4
Valerie Bak
Dirigent / Conductor: Richard Kraus
(30. Juni – 5. Juli 1954)

Alexander Borodin (1833-1887)
Furst Igor
5 Ni sna ni otdycha
Arie des Fursten Igor (2. Akt) / Prince Igor’s Aria (Act 2)
Dirigent / Conductor: Hermann Weigert
(3. Oktober 1953)
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)

6 Ciel, mio padre! A te grave cagion m’adduce, Aida
Duett: Aida – Amonasro (3. Akt / Act 3)
Astrid Varnay
Dirigent / Conductor: Hermann Weigert
(5. Oktober 1953)

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Die Walkure

7 War es so schmahlich, was ich verbrach
Szene / Scene: Brunnhilde – Wotan (3. Aufzug / Scene 3)
Astrid Varnay

8 Leb wohl, du kuhnes, herrliches Kind
Wotans Abschied und ?Feuerzauber“ /
Wotan’s Farewell and ?Magic Fire“
Dirigent / Conductor: Hermann Weigert
(3. Oktober 1953)

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra

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