奧地利帝國音樂 Musica Imperiali

售價$ : 2,238
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(14CD)奧地利帝國音樂( 莫札特/利奧波德一世/約瑟夫.富克斯) 馬丁.赫塞爾伯克 指揮 維也納學院合奏團 Musica Imperialis is the first boxed set in Aparte’s new Resound series, devoted to the recordings of the organist and conductor Martin Haselbock and his Wiener Akademie. The collaboration will focus on the remastering and reissuing of the Viennese orchestra's key recordings. Founded in 1985, the orchestra is renowned for its historically informed interpretations and wide-ranging repertoire (from Baroque through to the Romantic era), as well as for its many recordings of rare works. This first volume, devoted to music of the Habsburg dynasty, includes two oratorios by Johann Joseph Fux (La Deposizione dalla Croce and Il Fonte della Salute) and his mass Missa Corporis Christi; Porpora's oratorio Il Gedeone; Viennese works by Biber, Poglietti and Schmelzer; Salieri's Te Deum; organ pieces; Mozart’s Coronation Mass and Missa Solemnis; and compositions by those music-loving emperors, Joseph I, Ferdinand III and Leopold I.
CD1 Baroque Music from Vienna CD2 Joseph I, Ferdinand III, Leopold I: Sacred Works CD3 Leopold I: Sacred Works CD4 Johann Kaspar Kerll: Organ Works CD5 Johann Joseph Fux: Missa corporis Christi CD6-7 Johann Joseph Fux: La Deposizione dalla croce CD8-9 Johann Joseph Fux: Il Fonte della salute CD10-11 Nicola Porpora Il Gedeone CD12 Mozart: Coronation Mass CD13 Mozart: Organ Works CD14 Mozart: Missa Solemnis · Salieri: Te Deum

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