200家汽車旅館 電影原聲帶 200 MOTELS OST (50TH ANNIVERSARY)

售價$ : 1,680
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200 Motels - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is an album by Frank Zappa, released in 2021. 200 Motels - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack includes a.o. the following tracks: “Semi-Fraudulent / Direct-From-Hollywood Overture”, “Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers”, “Lonesome Cowboy Burt”, “Touring Can Make You Crazy” and more.
1. Semi-Fraudulent / Direct-From-Hollywood Overture
2. Mystery Roach
3. Dance of the Rock & Roll Interviewers
4. This Town is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)
5. Tuna Fish Promenade
6. Dance of the Just Plain Folks
7. This Town is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)
8. The Sealed Tuna Bolero
9. Lonesome Cowboy Burt
10. Touring Can Make You Crazy
11. Would You Like a Snack?
12. Redneck Eats
13. Centerville
14. She Painted Up Her Face
15. Janet's Big Dance Number
16. Half a Dozen Provocative Squats
17. Mysterioso
18. Shove It Right In
19. Lucy's Seduction of a Bored Violinist & Postlude

1. I'm Stealing the Towels
2. Dental Hygiene Dilemma
3. Does This Kind of Life Look Interesting To You?
4. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
5. Penis Dimension
6. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning
7. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes
8. Magic Fingers
9. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch
10. Dew On the Newts We Got
11. The Lad Searches the Night For His Newts
12. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth
13. The Girl's Dream
14. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce
15. Strictly Genteel (the Finale) (2LP/CRYSTAL CLEAR VINYL/180G)

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