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Valentine was written and produced by Lindsey Jordan and co-produced by Brad Cook (Bon Iver, Waxahatchee). Written in 2019-2020 the album is filled with romance, heartbreak, blood, sweat and tears. The sonic leap forward can be heard from the first moments of the title track - the whispered voice and eerie synths erupting into a full-on stadium-sized adrenaline-rush of a chorus. From there it's all go - with electronic anthems, baroque FM rockers, smoldering slow-jam R&B, and heart rendering finger-picked ballads. The star of the show however is Lindsey's voice. Her vocals and words are rawer, deeper, snarlier, and more feeling than ever before.
1 Valentine
2 Ben Franklin
3 Headlock
4 Light Blue
5 Forever (Sailing)
6 Madonna
7 C. Et. Al
8 Glory
9 Automate
10 Mia
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