Live At Canterbury House-1967 :Joni Mitchell

售價$ : 2,180
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身兼音樂創作/歌手/詩人與畫家身分的加拿大才女Joni Mitchell ,滾石音樂雜誌讚譽『至今最優秀創作人之一』,同時入席『百大藝人』第60名位置;1981年進入加拿大音樂名人殿堂,1995年領取Billboard『世紀成就』獎,1996年抱走音樂界諾貝爾獎『Polar Music Prize』,1997年成為搖滾名人殿堂榮譽會員,2002年葛萊美『終身成就獎』,2007年入籍『加拿大創作名人殿堂』。如此榮耀加身,還有更多經典作品尚未發行,這套《Archives Series》就是蒐集Joni於1963-1967年間初次曝光作品,還有珍貴的現場收音曲目!
- 1 - 1. Conversation 2. Intro To Come To the Sunshine 3. Come To the Sunshine 4. Intro To Chelsea Morning 5. Chelsea Morning 6. Intro To Gift of the Magi 7. Gift of the Magi 8. Play Little David 9. Intro To the Dowy Dens of Yarrow 10. The Dowy Dens of Yarrow 11. I Had a King 12. Intro To Free Darling 13. Free Darling 14. Intro To Cactus Tree 15. Cactus Tree - 2 - 1. Little Green 2. Intro To Marcie 3. Marcie 4. Intro To Ballerina Valerie 5. Ballerina Valerie 6. The Circle Game 7. Intro To Michael From Mountains 8. Michael From Mountains 9. Go Tell the Drummer Man 10. Intro To I Don't Know Where I Stand 11. I Don't Know Where I Stand - 3 - 1. A Melody In Your Name 2. Intro To Carnival In Kenora 3. Carnival In Kenora 4. Songs To Aging Children Come 5. Intro To Dr. Junk 6. Dr. Junk 7. Morning Morgantown 8. Intro To Night In the City 9. Night In the City 10. Both Sides Now 11. Urge For Going

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