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★ 1張Hybrid Theory黑膠+2張Reanimation黑膠+1張Rarities & B-Sides精選黑膠
新世代變種金屬界最偉大的搖滾天團聯合公園Linkin Park,於2000年發行的《Hybrid Theory混合理論》,全球已銷售超過3000萬張,美國獲頒鑽石級銷售,成為樂團經典代表作,入圍三座葛萊美獎,抱回「最佳硬式搖滾演出」肯定!其中「In The End」成為新世代搖滾國歌,另外「One Step Closer」、「Points of Authority」及「Crawling」、「Runaway」都是叱吒排行的暢銷曲目!2002年堆出《Reanimation顛覆混合理論》,將舊歌重新混音,出動嘻哈、搖滾各界人馬協助,包括:Jurassic 5的Chali 2na、The Roots的Black Thought、紐約派狠將Pharoahe Monch、與Jurassic 5旗鼓相當的饒舌隊伍Dilated Peoples、Orgy首領Jay Gordon、Taproot主唱Stephen Richards、Deftones的吉他手Stephen Carpenter、Korn團長Jonathan Davis、Staind主唱Aaron Lewis組合出堅強陣容,排在Michael Jackson、Madonna、Beatles之後,入席史上銷售最佳混音輯第四名!
新世代變種金屬界最偉大的搖滾天團聯合公園Linkin Park,於2000年發行的《Hybrid Theory混合理論》,全球已銷售超過3000萬張,美國獲頒鑽石級銷售,成為樂團經典代表作,入圍三座葛萊美獎,抱回「最佳硬式搖滾演出」肯定!其中「In The End」成為新世代搖滾國歌,另外「One Step Closer」、「Points of Authority」及「Crawling」、「Runaway」都是叱吒排行的暢銷曲目!2002年堆出《Reanimation顛覆混合理論》,將舊歌重新混音,出動嘻哈、搖滾各界人馬協助,包括:Jurassic 5的Chali 2na、The Roots的Black Thought、紐約派狠將Pharoahe Monch、與Jurassic 5旗鼓相當的饒舌隊伍Dilated Peoples、Orgy首領Jay Gordon、Taproot主唱Stephen Richards、Deftones的吉他手Stephen Carpenter、Korn團長Jonathan Davis、Staind主唱Aaron Lewis組合出堅強陣容,排在Michael Jackson、Madonna、Beatles之後,入席史上銷售最佳混音輯第四名!
- 1 -
1. Papercut
2. One Step Closer
3. With You
4. Points of Authority
5. Crawling
6. Runaway
7. By Myself
8. In the End
9. A Place For My Head
10. 1forgotten
11. Cure For the Itch
12. Pushing Me Away
- 2 -
1. Opening
2. Pts. of. Athrty
3. Enth E Nd
4. [Chali}
5. Frgt/10
6. P5hng Me A*Wy
7. Plc.4 Mie Haed
8. X-Ecutioner Style
9. H! Vltg3
10. [Riff Raff]
- 3 -
1. Wth>You
2. Ntr\Mssion
3. Ppr: Kut
4. Rnw@Y
5. My<Dsmber
6. [Stef]
7. By_myslf
8. Kyur4 Th Ich
9. 1stp Klosr
10. Krwling
- 4 -
1. One Step Closer (Rock Mix)
2. It's Goin' Down
3. Papercut (Live From the Bbc)
4. In the End (Live Bbc Radio One)
5. Points of Authority (Live Bbc Radio One)
6. High Voltage
7. Step Up (1999 Demo)
8. My December
9. A Place For My Head (Live At Docklands Arena, London)
10. Points of Authority (Live At Docklands Arena, London)
11. Papercut (Live At Docklands Arena, London)
12. Buy Myself Remix (Marilyn Manson)
1. Papercut
2. One Step Closer
3. With You
4. Points of Authority
5. Crawling
6. Runaway
7. By Myself
8. In the End
9. A Place For My Head
10. 1forgotten
11. Cure For the Itch
12. Pushing Me Away
- 2 -
1. Opening
2. Pts. of. Athrty
3. Enth E Nd
4. [Chali}
5. Frgt/10
6. P5hng Me A*Wy
7. Plc.4 Mie Haed
8. X-Ecutioner Style
9. H! Vltg3
10. [Riff Raff]
- 3 -
1. Wth>You
2. Ntr\Mssion
3. Ppr: Kut
4. Rnw@Y
5. My<Dsmber
6. [Stef]
7. By_myslf
8. Kyur4 Th Ich
9. 1stp Klosr
10. Krwling
- 4 -
1. One Step Closer (Rock Mix)
2. It's Goin' Down
3. Papercut (Live From the Bbc)
4. In the End (Live Bbc Radio One)
5. Points of Authority (Live Bbc Radio One)
6. High Voltage
7. Step Up (1999 Demo)
8. My December
9. A Place For My Head (Live At Docklands Arena, London)
10. Points of Authority (Live At Docklands Arena, London)
11. Papercut (Live At Docklands Arena, London)
12. Buy Myself Remix (Marilyn Manson)
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