異鄉人第5季-電視原聲帶 OUTLANDER SEASON 5

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Outlander is a historical drama television series based on the novel series of the same name by Diana Gabaldon. Claire Randall (Caitriona Balfe), a married former World War II nurse, finds herself in 1946 transported back to Scotland in 1743. Season Five plants roots, digging into themes of building community, forming civilization, expanding families, and forming allegiances. Just like the previous seasons the music is composed by American film and television composer Bear McCreary (The Walking Dead, Cloverfield, Black Sails). Inspired by the drama, he knew it was time to plant his own musical roots, and develop the colors and themes he already had. Like the drama itself, the music for Outlander Season Five stopped expanding outward into new territories, and instead planted roots. Though the score does not introduce any new sound this season, McCreary feels its developmental and emotional strengths make it as strong as anything he has written leading up to it.
1. Outlander - the Skye Boat Song (Choral Version) - Feat. Raya
2. The New Fraser's Ridge
3. As Long As We Both Shall Live
4. L-O-V-E - Feat. Richard Rankin
5. Blood of My Blood
6. Murtagh's Oath
7. The Fiery Cross - Feat. Griogair Labhruidh
8. The Battle of Alamance

1. Murtagh
2. Young Ian Returns
3. Clementine - Feat. Richard Rankin and Sophie Skelton
4. A Red, Red Rose
5. The Fang Syringe
6. Justice For Bonnet
7. Journeycake
8. Lighting the Cross - Feat. Griogair Labhruidh
9. Saving Claire
10. Outlander - the Skye Boat Song (Solo Vocal Version) - Feat.

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