韋恩麥格雷戈:合作無間 Wayne McGregor:Collaboration

售價$ : 388
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☆演出/馬克斯‧李希特、歐拉夫•亞諾茲與喬安‧霍普金斯等當今音樂創作才 子。 ★舞蹈戲劇與音樂的奇妙結合。舞蹈家韋恩‧麥格雷戈自選15首舞作配樂,為 創作靈感增添美妙活力。 英國舞蹈家韋恩‧麥格雷戈無疑是當代最重要的現代編舞家之一,以其作品充滿睿智及開創性聞名於世。麥格雷戈對於各種媒介皆抱持永不滿足的高度好奇心,每每推出新舞作都會令舞迷期待並討論不絕,可以說是一位重新定義當代舞蹈的傳奇人物。 過去25年來,麥格雷戈曾經委託許多當代知名作曲家為他的編舞譜寫配樂,在這張「合作無間」專輯裡,麥格雷戈親自選了15首他認為最能夠記憶起舞作當時的最美妙瞬間,也最具有創新性的作品。 收錄包括電子音樂才子喬安‧霍普金斯為2008年為舞作「存在物」所譜寫配樂、委託馬克斯‧李希特為舞碼「下文」的配樂、芬蘭作曲大師莎里亞荷的「最低光限」、美國青年作曲家尼克‧穆立的「機關」等等;其中收錄五首新錄音,包括委託已故英國作曲家泰凡納為舞碼「原子質量單位」所譜寫的「傾慕頌歌」的世界首度錄音等。
1. Vessel – Jon Hopkins Commissioned for the dance work, Entity (Company Wayne McGregor) 2. Infra 5 – Max Richter Commissioned for the ballet, Infra (The Royal Ballet) 3. Variant V - Joel Cadbury & Paul Stoney arr. Benjamin Woodgates Commissioned for the ballet, Borderlands (San Francisco Ballet) 4. Miserere Mei - William Byrd arr. Nico Muhly Commissioned for the ballet, Machina (The Royal Ballet) 5. …og lengra - Ólafur Arnalds, arr. Viktor Orri Árnason & Ólafur Arnalds Commissioned for the ballet, Dyad 1909 (Company Wayne McGregor) 6. Blue i - Jlin Commissioned for the dance work, Autobiography (Company Wayne McGregor) Original Recording Licensed courtesy of Planet Mu 7. Hymn of Adoration - Sir John Tavener Commissioned for the dance work, Amu (Company Wayne McGregor) 8. Nemesis 3 - Scanner Commissioned for the dance work, Nemesis (Company Wayne McGregor) 9. Eclipse - Kaija Saariaho Commissioned for the ballet, Limen (The Royal Ballet) 10. Swarming Season – Gaika Commissioned for the dance work, +/- Human (Roundhouse, Wayne McGregor, Random International, Company Wayne McGregor, The Royal Ballet) 11. War Anthem - Max Richter Commissioned for the ballet, Woolf Works (The Royal Ballet) 12. Transit Of Venus - Joby Talbot Commissioned for the ballet, Chroma (The Royal Ballet) 13. After Death - Ben Frost arr. Petter Ekman Commissioned for the dance work, FAR (Company Wayne McGregor) 14. Atomos XI - A Winged Victory for the Sullen Commissioned for the dance work, Atomos (Company Wayne McGregor) 15. Vessel - (Orchestral Version)- Jon Hopkins, arr. Tom Hodge Commissioned for the dance work, Entity (Company Wayne McGregor)

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