Arbour Zena

售價$ : 848
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Arbor Zena是一張由美國鋼琴家Keith Jarrett創作的專輯,由薩克斯手Jan Garbarek,貝司手Charlie Haden和斯圖加特廣播交響樂團成員組成,由Mladen Gutesha指揮,於1975年在ECM品牌上發行 “I consider this one of my most richly lyrical and consistently inspired works,” wrote Keith Jarrett of “Mirrors”, the almost half-hour long concludingpiece on «Arbour Zena». “Jan Garbarek’s contribution is irreplaceable and ecstatic.” It is easy to agree that «Arbour Zena» as a whole is one of Jarrett’s most exceptional albums. Evocative writing for strings, beautiful playing by Keith and Jan and by Charlie Haden at his most soulful, and a glowing panoramic production make this 1975 recording one of the finest of the early ECMs. 〈Recorded October 1975〉 Keith Jarrett - piano Jan Garbarek - soprano and tenor saxophones Charlie Haden - bass Members of Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra Mladen Gutesha - conductor
1. Runes 2. Solara March 3. Mirrors Total Time: 52:57

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