韋瓦第:四季小提琴協奏曲 Vivaldi: Four Seasons

售價$ : 1,548
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Numbered, Limited Edition Japanese Import UHQCD! Playable on any CD player, the Ultimate High Quality CD greatly surpasses all previous CDs before it! I Musici is an Italian chamber orchestra formed in 1951 known for their interpretations of Baroque and other works including Antonio Vivaldi and Thomas Albinoni. Here the group includes violinist Felix Ayo for their performance of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons. All About Ultimate High Quality CD (UHQCD) Many years have passed since the birth of the Audio Compact Disc (CD) back in 1982. By use of High-Quality materials and a totally different manufacturing method, the definitive version of audiophile audio CD was born. Playable on any CD player, the Ultimate High Quality CD greatly surpasses all previous CDs before it! The Ultimate High Quality CD (UHQCD): UHQCD is a radical change to the CD manufacturing process itself. The conventional wisdom about CD manufacturing, which had remained largely unchanged across the world for over 30 years, has been exhaustively questioned. Through this effort, the ultimate in quality was attained - a level of quality that is certainly impossible to achieve with existing CD discs. The Ultimate High Quality CD was developed through an effort to improve audio quality by simply upgrading the materials used in ordinary CDs to higher quality materials. For the substrate a high-transparency and high-fluidity polycarbonate (a type of plastic) of the type used for LCD panels was used, while for the reflective layer, low-cost, common aluminum was replaced with a unique and expensive alloy of high-reflectivity.
Spring 1-3. No. 1 in E Major Summer 4-6. No. 2 in G minor Autumn 7-9. No. 3 in A Major Winter 10-12. No. 4 in F minor L'amoroso 13-15. Concerto in E Major

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