理查史特勞斯:艾蕾克特拉, 玫瑰騎士 Strauss: Elektra ; Der Rosenkavalier/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Manfred Honeck

售價$ : 748
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Two Historic Orchestral Suites Released on SACD! This new recording presents orchestral suites based on two of the most significant operas in history. Der Rosenkavalier found its place in the concert hall from the beginning, first with two waltz sequences and later with the famous 1944 suite. But Elektra remained purely on the opera stage until now. Conductor Manfred Honeck has made his own symphonic adaptation, in collaboration with the Czech composer Tomás Ille. We proudly present these Strauss suites, new and old, in definitive interpretations from Manfred Honeck and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, in superb audiophile sound. With a legacy of more than 120 years, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra is known for its artistic excellence, a rich history of the world’s finest conductors and musicians, and a strong commitment to the Pittsburgh region and its citizens. Features: • Super Audio CD • SACD 5.1 Multi-Channel SACD Layer • SACD Stereo SACD Layer • This Hybrid SACD contains a 'Red Book' Stereo CD Layer which is playable on most conventional CD Players!
1. Elektra Suite from the the Opera, Conceptualized by Manfred Honeck, Realized by Tomáš Ille 2. Der Rosenkavalier Suite from the Opera, Arranged by Artur Rodzinski

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