西貝流士:管絃樂作品集 Sibelius: In the Stream of Life

售價$ : 618
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The exceptional collaboration and friendship between the late Einojuhani Rautavaara and the internationally acclaimed bass-baritone Gerald Finley culminates in this unique album of orchestral songs by Sibelius, on which the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra is conducted by Edward Gardner. The album offers orchestrations, by Sibelius and others, of songs which Sibelius originally wrote for voice and piano, and includes the premiere recording of In the Stream of Life, seven songs orchestrated by Rautavaara for his friend. Throughout, the poetry perfectly reflects the instinctively felt relation between Finnish nature and Sibelius's music. As Finley reveals: 'the recording of [In the Stream of Life] became a very personal project when the sessions took place only a few weeks after [Rautavaara's] death, in the same week as his funeral... and I am so thankful that a final addition was made possible when in the last months of his life [Rautavaara] agreed to orchestrate "Hjärtats morgon" and include it in the group.'
1. Pohjola's Daughter, Op. 49 13:57 2. In the Stream of Life (Arr. E. Rautavaara): No. 1. Die stille Stadt (The Quiet Town), Op. 50, No. 5 02:50 3. In the Stream of Life (Arr. E. Rautavaara): No. 2. Jägargossen (The Young Sportsman), Op. 13, No. 7 02:53 4. In the Stream of Life (Arr. E. Rautavaara): No. 3. Hjärtats morgon (The Heart's Morning), Op. 13, No. 3 02:31 5. In the Stream of Life (Arr. E. Rautavaara): No. 4. Älven och snigeln (The River and the Snail), Op. 57, No. 1 02:53 6. In the Stream of Life (Arr. E. Rautavaara): No. 5. Näcken (The Elf King), Op. 57, No. 8 02:59 7. In the Stream of Life (Arr. E. Rautavaara): No. 6. Jag är ett träd (The Tree), Op. 57, No. 5 02:57 8. In the Stream of Life (Arr. E. Rautavaara): No. 7. Svarta rosor (Black Roses), Op. 36, No. 1 02:09 9.Koskenlaskijan morsiamet (The Rapid-Rider's Brides), Op. 33 (version for voice and orchestra) 09:49 10. Romance in C Major, Op. 42 05:21 11. Hymn to Thaïs, the Unforgettable, JS 97 (arr. J. Jalas for voice and orchestra) 02:10 12. 6 Songs, Op. 36: No. 6. Demanten på marssnön (The Diamond on the March Snow) (arr. I. Hellman for voice and orchestra) 02:29 13. 8 Songs, Op. 57: No. 6. Hertig Magnus (Baron Magnus) (arr. P. Helasvuo for voice and orchestra) 03:46 14. The Oceanides, Op. 73 10:10 15. 5 Songs, Op. 38: No. 2. På verandan vid havet (On a balcony by the sea) 03:32 16. 5 Songs, Op. 38: No. 3. I natten (In the Night) 05:09 17. Twelfth Night, Op. 60: No. 1. Kom nu hit, död (Come Away, Death) (version for voice and orchestra) 02:57

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