向強尼凱許致敬演唱會 We Walk The Line: A Celebration of the Music of Johnny Cash

售價$ : 598
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★傳奇再現: 2012向強尼凱許致敬演唱會實況 ★眾星雲集: 葛萊美獎傳奇製作人Don Was傾全力監製,追隨者合唱團主唱Pat Monahan、伊凡賽斯主唱Amy Lee、葛萊美獎兩位女唱作人露辛達威廉絲與雪瑞兒可洛、獨立民謠歌手鐵與酒(Iron & Wine)、鄉村名人堂歌手威利尼爾森、克里斯克利斯多佛森、布蘭迪卡莉…等多位歌手同台飆歌 Johnny Cash背著吉他一襲黑衣的形象,一直是美國流行音樂的一道無法抹滅的風景,其唱腔低沉淳厚,用鄉村音樂唱著美國的風土人情,反映社會人生百態的創作態度,使他的作品更見寬廣,不僅鄉村、流行樂迷喜愛,連搖滾樂迷都認為他是一位有態度的創作者,加上多項葛萊美獎的榮耀加持下,更確立了他在美國流行音樂界的一代歌王的經典地位。2012年4月20日一場名為【We Walk The Line: A Celebration of the Music of Johnny Cash】向強尼凱許致敬演唱會於德州奧斯汀舉行。這場眾星雲集的演唱會由葛萊美獎傳奇製作人Don Was監製,邀請包括女追隨者合唱團主唱Pat Monahan、伊凡賽斯主唱Amy Lee、葛萊美獎兩位女唱作人露辛達威廉絲與雪瑞兒可洛、獨立民謠歌手鐵與酒(Iron & Wine)、鄉村名人堂歌手威利尼爾森、克里斯克利斯多佛森、布蘭迪卡莉…等多位歌手同台飆歌,一同像這位影響深遠的歌手致敬。這張【向強尼凱許致敬演唱會】豪華典藏版CD+DVD完整收錄這場精采的演唱實況,看新秀飆歌,聆聽大師經典,與爆滿的歌迷一同見證傳奇的無比魅力,這場近年來最好看的現場演唱會,值得細細品味鑑賞。 藍光DVD規格 全區/節目長度約106分鐘/無字幕 AUDIO: PCM 5.1 AUDIO、DOLBY 5.1 AUDIO、PCM UNCOMPRESSED STEREO VIDEO:1080i / 16:9
1. Folsom Prison Blues - performed by Brandi Carlile 2. Get Rhythm - performed by Andy Grammer 3. I`m So Lonesome I Could Cry - performed by Amy Lee 4. Hey Porter- performed by Buddy Miller 5. Why Me Lord- performed by Shelby Lynne 6. Help Me Make It Through the Night- performed by Pat Monahan 7. It Ain`t Me Babe- performed by Shelby Lynne and Pat Monahan 8. Sunday Morning Coming Down- performed by Jamey Johnson and Kris Kristofferson 9. Jackson - performed by Carolina Chocolate Drops 10. Wreck of the Old 97 - performed by Rhett Miller 11. Ring of Fire- performed by Ronnie Dunn 12. Cocaine Blues- performed by Shooter Jennings and Amy Nelson 13. Hurt- performed by Lucinda Williams 14. The Long Black Veil- performed by Iron & Wine 15. Big River- performed by Kris Kristofferson 16. Cry, Cry, Cry- performed by Sheryl Crow 17. If I Were a Carpenter- performed by Willie Nelson and Sheryl Crow 18. Highwayman- performed by Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Shooter Jennings and Jamey Johnson 19. I Walk the Line- performed by Full Ensemble 20. 特別收錄 I Still Miss Someone - rehearsal performance by Willie Nelson 21. The Man Comes Around - performed by Matthew McConaughey 22. Johnny Cash, His Life and Music – Artist interviews, Johnny Cash archival footage, more 23. Walking The Line: The Making of a Celebration - behind-the-scenes of the historic Johnny Cash 80th Birthday Concert Celebration

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