黑亞當 Black Adam OST

售價$ : 2,680
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Composer Lorne Balfe's overall musical and philosophical approach to Black Adam was 'to get the emotion and darkness of the main characters back story across to the audience, whilst simultaneously intertwining the old themes and familiarities of the DC comic book world and introducing a new class of superheroes." He further noted "One way to bring in the feeling of an ancient world together was to collaborate with traditional instruments from Latin America, India, Africa and the Middle East. A particular highlight for me was a percussion session I did where we enlisted several musicians playing various traditional instruments together to achieve this specific sound. Further, we had a large brass section across the score to give the weight and power of the main character's past, which I balanced out with high tempo, more melodic sounds to give the audience that more familiar heroic feel. We also experimented a lot with choir on this project which was able to contribute a unique and classical sound that ties in nicely with Black Adam's story."
1. Teth-Adam
2. Kahndaq
3. The Awakening
4. The Revolution Starts
5. Introducing the Jsa
6. Shaza-Superman
7. Our Only Hope
8. Change Your Name
9. What Kind of Magic?
10. Is It the Champion?
11. Your Enemies
12. Black Adam Spotted
13. Not Interested
14. Just Say Shazam
15. Ancient Palace
16. Little Man
17. Time To Go
18. Release Him
19. Father & Son
20. Black Adam Theme
21. Fly Bikes
22. Nanobots
23. Through the Wall
24. 23lbs of Eternium
25. Is This the End?
26. It Was Him
27. Lake Baikal
28. Capes and Corpses
29. Hawkman's Fate
30. The Jsa Fights Back
31. A Bad Plan is a Good Plan
32. Dr. Fate
33. Prison Break
34. Wet Rocks
35. Not a Hero
36. The Doctor's Destiny
37. Slave Champion
38. Legions of Hell
39. The Man In Black
40. S Journey
41. The Justice Society Theme
42. Black Adam Theme (Izniik Remix)
43. The Justice Society Theme (Izniik Remix)

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