義大利奢華的十七世紀音樂 Seicento Stravagante–Music for Cornetto and Keyboard

售價$ : 588
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大衛.布魯蒂 文藝復興角號
尼古拉.拉蒙 大鍵琴/管風琴

How to express emotion through music from which words are absent? This album attempts to give an answer to this question Through works by Italian composers from the late 16 th and early 17 th centuries, the two members of Seicento Stravagante David Brutti and Nicola Lamon demonstrate the extravagant styles of early baroque music During the decades surrounding 1600 the dominance of the human voice and of texts came to be replaced by the unfettered imagination of the composers performers that allowed instruments to ' on their own, and not only support a sung text

At first the polyphony of the original vocal piece was simply supplemented with ornaments to compensate for the lack of text, but later, as the borders between vocal and instrumental music became quite fluid, the vocal lines would be transformed into virtuoso instrumental solos By the third decade of the seventeenth century, composers and performers were developing a new and independent instrumental style, which allowed them to freely mix intricate polyphony, dance like passages and emotionally charged musical phrases Brutti perform this selection of works, published between 1584 and 1650 on three different types of cornetto, while Lamon alternates between a copy of a harpsichord from 1681 and no less than two historic organs, from 1578 and 1660 respectively.
Music for Cornetto and Keyboard
1 ) Giovanni Battista Fontana: Sonata Terza 4''33
2 ) Girolamo Frescobaldi: Canzon Terza detta La Lucchesina 4''07
3 ) Annibale Padovano: Toccata del Sesto Tono [organ solo] 4''28
4 ) Dario Castello: Sonata prima 4''33
5 ) Andrea Gabrieli: Canzon francese detta Qui la dira [harpsichord solo] 5''39
6 ) Girolamo Kapsberger: Sinfonia 13 2''07
7 ) Andrea Falconieri: La Monarca 3''00
8 ) Riccardo Rognoni: Ung gay Berger 3''21
9 ) Angelo Notari: Ahi, che s''acresce in me 2''18
10 ) Anonymous: Canzona su partimento [organ solo] 1''43
11 ) Girolamo dalla Casa: Susanne un jour 4''25
12 ) Giovanni Salvatore: Toccata seconda del nono tono [organ solo] 3''35
13 ) Giovanni Martino Cesare: La Foccarina 4''07
14 ) Francesco Rognoni Taeggio: Pulchra es, amica mea 4''45
15 ) Giovanni Battista Fontana: Sonata Seconda 6''40
16 ) Biagio Marini: Sonata per organo e violino o cornetto 3''38
Seicento Stravagante
TT: 63''55

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