蕭士塔高維契:塵封作品的發表 Shostakovich: Works Unveiled

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蕭士塔高維契: 塵封作品的發表 (塵封50年鮮為人知的作品公開發表)
尼可拉.史塔維史塔維 / 提貝岡 鋼琴
葉卡捷琳娜.巴卡諾娃 女高音
朴秀藝 小提琴

This release is the fruit of the French pianist Nicolas Stavy's efforts to uncover unknown works by Dmitri Shostakovich. Spanning some fifty years of the composer's career, these rarities include early piano pieces influenced by Chopin and the fragment of an unfinished violin sonata, but is bookended by arrangements of symphonic music, by Shostakovich himself and by Mahler, a constant influence.

The disc opens with the most substantial work on the disc, Shostakovich's arrangement of his late, great Fourteenth Symphony (1969) for soprano, bass, string orchestra and percussion. With texts by poets including Guillaume Apollinaire, Federico Garcia Lorca and Rainer Maria Rilke, the work evokes death, reaching great emotional depths. Rather than 'just' making a piano transcription for rehearsal purposes, Shostakovich included a percussion part as well as one for celesta, in order to reproduce sounds that would be impossible to imitate on the piano alone.

This is followed by the substantial fragment of a sonata for violin and piano dated 1945 and four short piano pieces composed around 1917-1919, which reveal a very young composer and demonstrate his surprising individuality and maturity. The final work on the disc is an arrangement of the opening 95 bars of Gustav Mahler's Tenth Symphony which Shostakovich probably made during the 1920s for personal study purposes and to demonstrate the work to his fellow members in one of Leningrad's two Mahler Societies. In Shostakovich's transcription for piano four hands, Stavy is joined by Cedric Tiberghien.
Dmitri Shostakovich
Symphony No. 14, Op. 135, arranged for soprano, bass, piano and percussion 55''17
01 I. De profundis 5''39
02 II. Malaguena 3''00
03 III. Loreley 9''47
04 IV. The Suicide 7''14
05 V. On the Watch 3''10
06 VI. Madam, look! 1''58
07 VII. In the Sante Prison 10''17
08 VIII. The Zaporozhian Cossacks'' Answer to the Sultan of Constantinople 1''53
09 IX. O Delvig, Delvig! 5''08
10 X. The Poet''s Death 5''42
11 XI. Conclusion 1''29

12 Sonata (unfinished) for violin and piano 4''56

Four pieces for solo piano 7''25
13 Funeral March in Memory of Victims of the Revolution 1''22
14 Toska (Nostalgia) 2''28
15 In the Forest 2''04
16 Bagatelle 1''31

17 Fragment from Gustav Mahler''s Symphony No.10 for piano four hands 8''42

Album total 76''27

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