伯恩斯坦 : (西城故事)電影與音樂劇原聲帶 West Side Story Original Movie & Musical Soundtrack

售價$ : 498
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伯恩斯坦:(西城故事)電影與音樂劇原聲帶 強尼格林 指揮 一齣引起廣泛共鳴的戲劇, (西城故事)是最常聽到和最暢銷的音樂劇. (西城故事)是一齣威廉莎士比亞寫於1597年引起廣泛共鳴的戲劇(羅密歐與茱麗葉)的現代改編版. (羅密歐與茱麗葉)和(哈姆雷特)是莎士比亞最常被演出的戲劇, 尤其是在歌劇方面有大約三十個改編版本, 還有交響樂, 芭蕾舞或爵士管弦樂改編版. 在推出六十多年後仍能持續的引起關注, 見證了此作品的魅力. A drama of universal resonance, West Side Story is the most listened to and best-selling musical in the world. West Side Story is the adaptation, in a contemporary version of Romeo and Juliet, a drama with universal resonance, written by William Shakespeare in 1597. It will be, with Hamlet, Shakespeare's most performed and then most often performed, in particular to the opera with around thirty adaptations, but also in the form of symphonies, ballets or compositions for jazz orchestra. Testimony to the fascination that this work continues to arouse more than 6 decades after its creation.
CD 1 1. Ouverture 4'43 2. Prologue 6'42 3. Jet Song 2'11 4. Something's Coming 2'37 5. Dance at The Gym 9'29 6. Maria 2'39 7. America 5'04 8. Tonight 3'38 9. Gee, Officer Krupke 4'11 10. Intermission Music 1'31 11. I Feel Pretty 2'49 12. One Hand, One Heart 2'01 13. Quintet 3'27 14. The Rumble 2'33 15. Cool 4'27 16. A Boy Like That / Have a Love 4'34 17. Somewhere 2'08 18. Finale 4'22 19. End Credits 5'08 CD 2 1. Prologue 3'50 - Orchestra, danced by Jets & Sharks 2. Jet Song 2'11 - Michael Calin & The Jets 3. Something's Coming 2'40 - Larry Kert 4. Dance at The Gym 3'06 - Orchestra & Ensemble 5. Maria 2'40 - Larry Kert 6. Tonight 3'56 - Larry Kert, Carol Lawrence 7. America 4'35 - Chita Rivera, Marilyn Cooper, Reri Grist, Shark Girls 8. Cool 4'02 - Michael Calin & The Jets 9. One Hand, One Heart 3'04 - Larry Kert, Carol Lawrence 10. Tonight [Quintet & Chorus] 3'41 - Ensemble & Quintet 11. The Rumble 2'45 - Orchestra, danced by Riff, Bernardo, Sharks & Jets 12. I Feel Pretty 2'50 - Carol Lawrence, Marilyn Cooper, Carmen , Gutierrez, Elizabeth Taylor 13. Somewhere [Ballet] 7'36 - Reri Grist & Ensemble 14. Gee, Officer Krupke! 4'06 - Eddie Roll, Grover Dale and The Jets 15. A Boy Like That / - I Have A Love 4'19 , Carol Lawrence, Chita Rivera 16. Symphonic Dances from West Side Story 20'58

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